There are many wonderful purpose-driven enterprises in the world, and I cannot help to think that us, on the corporate and business side of things, we may just be bureaucrats, pushing paper in an endless, pointless, and self-serving motion.
Working in the technology industry, some days, in order to continue to put one foot in front of the other, I have to remind myself that we all contribute to the virtuous cycle of innovation and perennial growth, for the betterment of humanity.
Modern technology has brought upon us a process that -for more than a century- has consistently improved the living conditions of humanity and that, according to this Forbes article, has lifted a billion people out of extreme poverty, mainly by boosting productivity, improving income, and increasing demand.
A BILLION PEOPLE. That’s one thousand million people, just like you and me, who are not hungry at least. I am not saying that is enough, but wow, it feels so much better now to push that “Send” button!