One of my relatives used to have quite a bad boss. An individual who was probably in their position due to some series of fortunate events that led him there.
This particular person, whenever asked something about the job, he would answer snarkily: “Do you want me to google it for you? or do you want to do it yourself?”.
The answer was meant as a f-off, a stand in for “go away”, and also in a somewhat humiliating way pointing out how a smart person would have done some research before asking the question.
Ironically, the same answer does reflect negatively off this person just putting in evidence how little did they know about the operation itself.
The opportunity lost here is that leaders don’t necessarily have to know everything about the job. If they recognize the individual talents of their team and they approach them with humility, they could turn their lack of expertise in some areas into a positive, making their team feel appreciated and with a purpose in the organization.
“I don’t really know, but we need someone in the team who does. I think that could be you.” would be a much better answer.