My anniversary was a few days ago.
Of course I did get a gift, and I did make a reservation for dinner.
But on this day, I like to wake up my wife to the aroma of flowers, but I don’t want the flowers to whither overnight, so I had to make a customary dash in the morning to the nearest spot where I could get flowers.
On my way out, a clerk smiled and said to me “you got in trouble?”.
This is so meta -I thought to myself-, mainly because this is actually the type of thinking that DOES get us in trouble. Waiting until the last minute, when tensions are high, when there is already someone upset, to show our gratitude and appreciation
Procrastination may seem harmless, but when it comes to expressing gratitude, it can lead to missed opportunities and damaged relationships.
Don’t wait until someone feels unappreciated to tell them how much you depend on them. Thank them. And please, don’t wait until you get in trouble to get flowers.