When you don’t complete your plans. How bad does that make you feel?
Sometimes, we spend a sizable amount of time fleshing out every detail on how will we achieve our objectives. And we put a lot of effort in executing every step. But sometimes things get in the way and we just cannot meet deadlines.
Never is that so evident as in the face of a natural disaster. We are at the mercy of the planet and nature. And it doesn’t matter how powerful we are or how much will we put behind it, just doesn’t make a difference.
Sometimes, we even call them an “Act of God” to make emphasis on the great power we face off with.
I had many plans in line before a huge storm decided to go hit the shore about 50 miles from here. We managed to make out on the other side unscathed, but everything will happen a couple of weeks later.
In these cases, our job consists in understanding this, and stop blaming ourselves for the lackluster result, and just pick up the pieces and continue.