Most of you reading this will be familiar with Moore’s law. As other laws, it is not something grand that governs the universe, but some relationship that arose from observation. Moore’s law roughly states that computing power doubles about every two years ℗ease don’t grill me, I have seen versions of it with every 10 months, etc., but the concept is the same).
What is really interesting to me, is that recently, and together with other technologies such as machine learning, many other disciplines have been able to leverage and ride on top of Moore’s law.
One example is genetics, which is mostly a discipline that has been knowledge-constrained in the past. Other ones are cryptography or language recognition.
In your case, in your business, may not be as dramatic as this example, but if the whole “Digital Transformation” realizes itself, more of us will be riding on top of this wave. We may not be able to put the whole company on overdrive and to double performance every two years, but we may be able to do it for portions of our processes. As an example, Uber doesn’t evolve the driver and the car on Moore’s law. The speed at which she drives doesn’t double, we don’t want her to break any laws. But the rest of the process, the way you find your ride, how it allocates drivers, and how the driver is given turn-by-turn directions, is. This removes considerable friction on the whole process.
This is the real exponential opportunity of true and radical digital transformation. To leverage Moore’s law.