We live in a world of A-lists. It is very easy to hear it “straight from the horse’s mouth”. If a celebrity is on Twitter, or any other platform, we can just follow them, watch their videos on YouTube or perhaps buy their book.
That is wonderful. There has never been as much quality (and crappy as well) and variety of information out there since mankind made the first dent on a clay table.
But that is “just” information. It still has to be interpreted, put into context -your context-, and applied to your issues and problems.
And -guess what?- the A-Lister is not going to do that for you. You are invisible to them, they don’t care (not because they are terrible people, but because there is a lot of people calling for their attention), and -frankly- if they did, you probably wouldn’t want to pay the price.
So for all means, when you want concepts, opinions, go to the top of the stack; but if what you are looking for is results, you are going to have to settle with the B-list.
The true heroes of any organization are the B-Listers who roll up their sleeves and get the job done, taking pride in their crucial role in making things happen.
The B-Listers do the actual work. They will be not only OK with, but will be proud and delighted to play the crucial role in ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. They will execute on the strategies and plans.
Now, don’t go to the bottom of the rung either, there is a sweet spot where you’ll find hardworking and dedicated individuals with a strong work ethic.
B-Listers make the world go ’round.