Flowers are beautiful. No arguing about that one, and we have also seen how bees and other insects -necessary for pollination, get attracted by them .
But we can’t really appreciate the attraction that bees feel for them, until we try to see like they do. Us humans, we see the world through the limited lens of our senses. Our vision, in particular, is limited to the the colors that we see, all the way from violet to red.
Bees, besides having thousands of photoreceptors (not exagerating here, bees have five eyes, and the two main ones are composed by thousands of receptors), they see a little bit of to the right of the spectrum and they are big on UV light.
Now, the attraction that bees feel for flowers becomes more evident once you see a UV picture. Flowers just become these high contrast objects, and they look almost like a runway, guiding the bee in for landing.
So what’s interesting here is that it is more likely that the flowers evolved to adapt to the bees’ vision, more than the other way around.
This is plainly, marketing; and we rarely give Marketing enough credit. If you mostly equate marketing with advertising, and with some of the worst deceptive methods in use, I challenge you to think differently.
Honest marketing has an important function in our lives. It focuses our attention, saves us time, and ultimately makes us enjoy products and services much more.
It acts like the radio beacons on the runway, and helps us land efficiently and safely.