Here we are, How many weeks in? Nine? Ten?
When I started this daily blog, I knew I would face this question at one point, and the question is: “When do you pull the plug?”. I don’t mean literally when, I mean what would be the thing that would tell me that it is not worth continuing. I knew that this question would come up, because it comes up at every project that does not have a set finish date.
This very question is the battlefield between strategy and execution, or more simply, between the plan and reality. Knowing you succeeded is often easier but, How do you know if your plan was failed? Or, is it just that you didn’t put enough effort into it? Or maybe something unexpected happened that affected the outcome?
Answering any of these questions and making a decision in the heat of the moment, with all the emotions setting in, is probably not the best idea, especially if you have invested quite some time and emotional effort into the project.
This is why setting the outcomes even before starting is so important. You don’t have to follow the decision to a T, but you will have a better view on whether if you gave it all.
As for this blog, feedback and engagement from my network has been fantastic, and I am immensely grateful for it, but I said it in the very beginning, my objective is to write, and to create the habit. So far, it is working…
NOTE: To all the people who has taken the time to like, comment, and even subscribe, either on my blog’s mailing list, on LinkedIn, or on Medium; THANK YOU. It is a little gesture, that may not seem like a big effort for you, but it means a lot to me.