I know how it feels. That moment when everything seems to be rolling along. Things getting done without exceptional effort. No major challenges, enjoying sustained relative success.
Those times are great. They give us a chance to catch our breath, build some resources, and an opportunity to reposition our stance; but they don’t necessarily make us proud or excite us.
During these times we know we are not giving it all we got.
To be in that zone where we know we are at top performance, we must push ourselves to the limit of our competence, where we are just about to lose control.
Right there, in that “event horizon”, is where our best lies.
In the words of Mario Andretti, one of the most successful drivers in the history of motorsports, and one of only two drivers to have won races in Formula One, IndyCar, and NASCAR:
“If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough”
mario andretti