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Everything is a subroutine – The Daily PPILL #349

Everything is a subroutine – The Daily PPILL #349

We live in the age of the API. Most solutions have an open API (Application Programming Interface – Just in case you don’t remember what it stands for), to communicate with them. APIs allow software to communicate among each other, making it possible for...
Retro all around – The Daily PPILL #343

Retro all around – The Daily PPILL #343

I was reading a case study about the once revolutionary “Mas por Menos” supermarket chain in Costa Rica. They were the first ones to introduce the self service experience in that country almost 100 years ago. Before them, there was only the regular corner...
Actionable AI – The Daily PPILL #341

Actionable AI – The Daily PPILL #341

Even with all the buzz around AI, and all the rapid advancements, sometimes we still fall into thinking that nothing’s going to change. Everything will as we are used to, and no, no jobs will be disrupted. Here is one to make you think again: with the latest iOS...
Patents vs. secrets – The Daily PPILL #340

Patents vs. secrets – The Daily PPILL #340

How intellectual property is protected seems to be quite a mystery for many. I am no lawyer, but ideas, designs, and methods can be protected in at least a couple of different ways, very different one from the other: The first one is just plain secrecy. If no one can...