In so many of my conversations about services delivery, I hear well smart, capable, and hard-working professionals describe how they are setup to resolve service tickets in a short time, and how they always strive to deliver the services in the way they were promised...
We see the world through our own experience. There is no way around it. As a photographer, one of the things I learned, is that no two photographers can ever get exactly the same image, as they will never be able to stand in the same place, at the same time. Either...
I used to think that Daylight Savings Time was just the way things were done in this country. I didn’t pause to think that there could be a different way forward. Not that I like the sun setting at 6 PM during the winter, but I always hated getting up during the...
If you are working on something truly innovative, and you insert the word “disruptive” multiple times in your speech when you are describing your product or service, you may have to make some compromises. It may sound obvious, but here is Uber as an...
On a recent business trip, I had one setback that I have never had before. It is quite embarrassing, but after logging about 1.4M miles on just one airline, on a domestic trip, I lost my wallet. The last time I remember having it in my hands, was in seat 3C, and...
They are a pro. But what kind of pro? It is not about charging for what you do. There is the PROficient pro. The one that at a technical level is capable of delivering quality work. The pro that has the skills. The pro that has gone through the training, and has put...