+1 415 842 4822 hi@thrivemonger.com
My podcast list on rotation – The Daily PPILL #252

My podcast list on rotation – The Daily PPILL #252

I think Podcasts are fantastic thing. They allow for getting quality and in-depth content on topics as obscure as we chose. To me, they are a great resource for information, learning, and entertainment. A few days back, my nephew told me that he did not listen to...
Free QA – The Daily PPILL #247

Free QA – The Daily PPILL #247

Every once and then, I do have to call a vendor for something, and I have a bad (or good) habit. When something annoys me enough in their system or process, sometimes I ask the person on the line to document what i am saying. Not berate them or complain to them, at...
The call bot pause – The Daily PPILL #242

The call bot pause – The Daily PPILL #242

As I am sure has happened to many of us at some point, my phone number fell into the hands of someone trying to sell insurance, and as a result, the last few weeks I have been stalked by a bot. But what makes this bot remarkable is that it fooled me. And it was not...
Quote week: Effectiveness – The Daily PPILL #237

Quote week: Effectiveness – The Daily PPILL #237

You know that person at the office who is constantly busy, never has time to take on any task, supposedly never takes any time off, but it is unclear what and if gets anything done ever? I have met a few. I also misjudged a few, reason why I adopted the premise from a...
Be expendable – The Daily PPILL #232

Be expendable – The Daily PPILL #232

Startups wear agility on their sleeves. They pride themselves on navigating by the seat of their pants. Improvising in the face of the unexpected, is great. It allows to deal with the unplanned. But one of the primary goals for a startup is to be a learning...
Burn more gas – The Daily PPILL #227

Burn more gas – The Daily PPILL #227

Incentive programs applied wrong are a pet peeve of mine. Recently, we were driving on one of Florida’s straighter-than-the-path-of-light highways and we passed a sign advertising a loyalty program for Sunpass. Sunpass is the state’s automated toll...