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It is not all our fault – The Daily PPILL #206

It is not all our fault – The Daily PPILL #206

Our go-get-it culture constantly repeats us that we can be anything we want to be. The only thing needed is some focus and lots of hard work. Part of this is absolutely true. We live in times where individuals have a great power over their future, and they can...
Validation vs. Desire – The Daily PPILL #201

Validation vs. Desire – The Daily PPILL #201

Validation is a great motivator. I know. It is for me. The applause at the end of the performance, the pat in the back. Feeling part of the group, being looked at with admiration, makes me feel proud. But validation by itself cannot be the driver of our lives. It is...
The last chart of the Internet – The Daily PPILL #196

The last chart of the Internet – The Daily PPILL #196

Well, maybe. I love charts and beautiful and imaginative ways of representing data, and I discovered a new type of chart -at least for me- because of the labor of love of a gentleman called Phineas. You can see how plastic waste is processed HERE, in his appropriately...
Eat my brains out – The Daily PPILL #191 Halloween Edition

Eat my brains out – The Daily PPILL #191 Halloween Edition

Americans, we are suckers for zombie shows and movies. How many more can we have? I have heard that we even make special weapons for those who want to prepare themselves for a zombie apocalypse. (I am not sure which part of that sentence is more wrong). Decomposing,...
Joshua Bell – The Daily PPILL #181

Joshua Bell – The Daily PPILL #181

Have two and half minutes? Give it a watch. How many people can you count that leave a tip for the musician? It is hard with the time-lapse, but let’s say it’s like a dozen. Out of hundreds of people passing by. How many people stop to listen to him? One...
Insignificant – The Daily PPILL #176

Insignificant – The Daily PPILL #176

When you don’t complete your plans. How bad does that make you feel? Sometimes, we spend a sizable amount of time fleshing out every detail on how will we achieve our objectives. And we put a lot of effort in executing every step. But sometimes things get in the...