We live in a world of A-lists. It is very easy to hear it “straight from the horse’s mouth”. If a celebrity is on Twitter, or any other platform, we can just follow them, watch their videos on YouTube or perhaps buy their book. That is wonderful....
When we are optimistic, we are more likely to take risks and try new things. We are more likely to believe in ourselves and our abilities, and to take action towards our goals. We are also more likely to stay positive and resilient in the face of adversity. This is...
If we don’t have the will, we’ll never get things done. We may never even get started. Hannibal (not the fictional serial killer of “Silence of the Lambs”, but the Carthaginian general), has been recognized as one of the greatest military strategists of all times....
I know how it feels. That moment when everything seems to be rolling along. Things getting done without exceptional effort. No major challenges, enjoying sustained relative success. Those times are great. They give us a chance to catch our breath, build some...
This one is a twofer. At the very heart of innovation there is the need for experimentation, to wander into what we don’t know. “If you know exactly what you’re going to do, what’s the good in doing it?”pablo picasso And experimentation is...