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Ciclo LAER: El ERROR DE CAPA 8 es ahora también nuestro problema

Ciclo LAER: El ERROR DE CAPA 8 es ahora también nuestro problema

En un mundo donde cada vez más los servicios están substituyendo a los productos, es importante entender el rol que juega la atención al cliente y cómo esta puede afectar el ritmo de atrición de los usuarios. En el universo XaaS, donde cualquier cosa se ofrece en una...
Common enemies – The Daily PPILL #140

Common enemies – The Daily PPILL #140

We heard it: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This is certainly true in politics, where the most unexpected crowds can be made to come together to fight a (many times made up!) common enemy. But can this be seen in other areas of life? In business, for example,...
Biting more than you can chew – The Daily PPILL #135

Biting more than you can chew – The Daily PPILL #135

Transforming operations and a supply chain is a difficult task that demands comprehensive organizational changes and strategies that can continue to deliver value. One common mistake that organizations incur onto, is biting off more than they can chew when it comes to...
Between South Florida and Seattle – The Daily PPILL #125

Between South Florida and Seattle – The Daily PPILL #125

In Miami, the rain is not just a rain, it is the rain of Miami. It is the sound of a thousand drums. It is universal flood level of water. It is as if the sky has opened up and poured out its contents on the city below it. But if you wait, just a few minutes, it will...
Chef Massimo Botura – The Daily PPILL #115

Chef Massimo Botura – The Daily PPILL #115

From his Wikipedia page, “Massimo Bottura is an Italian restaurateur and the chef patron of Osteria Francescana, a three-Michelin-star restaurant based in Modena, Italy which has been listed in the top 5 at The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Awards since...