+1 415 842 4822 hi@thrivemonger.com
Common enemies – The Daily PPILL #140

Common enemies – The Daily PPILL #140

We heard it: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This is certainly true in politics, where the most unexpected crowds can be made to come together to fight a (many times made up!) common enemy. But can this be seen in other areas of life? In business, for example,...
Marketing, art or science? – The Daily PPILL #62

Marketing, art or science? – The Daily PPILL #62

Heard it before, “they have Marketing down to a science”. Having a process, and some rules to follow, doesn’t make it a science. It is still an art. A craft, in its best case. I am an Engineer by training, and my career took me to do a lot of...
UVP – The Daily PPILL #39

UVP – The Daily PPILL #39

Ah! The UVP! or “Unique Value Proposition”. Determining the UVP of a product, service, or even a company is probably one of the most useful exercises in management. Forget about your “elevator pitch”, this is the one to work on. I have seen...
Post-Truth, Marketing, and Virtual Reality

Post-Truth, Marketing, and Virtual Reality

We are living in interesting times. “Post-Truth” has been named the 2016 “word of the year” by the Oxford dictionaries. According to their own definition it refers to “circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals...