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Eat my brains out – The Daily PPILL #191 Halloween Edition

Eat my brains out – The Daily PPILL #191 Halloween Edition

Americans, we are suckers for zombie shows and movies. How many more can we have? I have heard that we even make special weapons for those who want to prepare themselves for a zombie apocalypse. (I am not sure which part of that sentence is more wrong). Decomposing,...
The Network Effect – The Daily PPILL #124

The Network Effect – The Daily PPILL #124

The Network effect is a term that describes technologies or trends that become more valuable as more people uses them. There are, of course, very recent examples of this like Facebook or Twitter, but there is also sort of a joke going around. Remember the Fax machine?...
Keeping up with the Joneses – The Daily PPILL #28

Keeping up with the Joneses – The Daily PPILL #28

Probably one of the most powerful incentives that can exist, is peer pressure. As individuals, we want to belong, and to belong, we cannot stick out. UK’s “Nudge Unit”, made famous by the Freakonomics guys,  was created specifically to exploit...
Big Upside – The Daily PPILL #23

Big Upside – The Daily PPILL #23

During the recent efforts by many governments to get more people vaccinated, one of the most visible ones has been the “vaccine lottery”. There are a couple of things to learn here from the results. First, the overall premise of the vaccine lottery is that...