The ChannelMeister’s all Blog posts
Is anybody gullible who believes the AI? – The Daily PPILL #312
What’s the real, current risk of AI?
Optimism: How positive thinking moves you towards your goals – The Daily PPILL #311
Getting into something new is hard, and is unlikely to be done by chance. It takes active optimism to get them done.
Re-post: Habit, Process, or Ritual? – The Daily PPILL #310
If we confuse habits, or rituals with processes; we may make the mistake of using one when is appropriate to use another.
Re-post: Partner Programs as an extension of the Operating Model – The Daily PPILL #309
Need to engage your Ecosystem? Design your partner program to extend your own operating model!
Re-post: The one thing you should do today – The Daily PPILL #308
Furious activity is no substitute for understanding – H.H. Williams, Archbishop of Carlyle, 1861
Re-post: The flywheel – The Daily PPILL #307
Relentless motion forward leads to moments of breakthrough.
Re-post: Change before change gets to you – The Daily PPILL #306
Hunkering down and sticking to your comfort zone may be easier, but to stay ahead of the curve you may have to do something different.
Re-post: Determination – The Daily PPILL #305
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Re-post: Pushing the envelope – The Daily PPILL #304
When things are rolling along, we know we are not giving it all we got.
Re-post: Failing fast – The Daily PPILL #303
To innovate, we have to wander into what we don’t know.
Re-post: Effectiveness – The Daily PPILL #302
I try to be more curious.
I assume that if I think someone does nothing, it is probably because I don’t understand their jobs.
But yet…
Re-post: Navigating uncertainty – The Daily PPILL #301
We value confidence highly. Moving through uncertainty with determination is something we expect from every great leader.