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The woman in the X5 – the Daily PPILL #204

The woman in the X5 – the Daily PPILL #204

It was one of those busy mornings when we just have to run to get something done. On a quiet street, the side of the road I was traveling on was free, but ahead there was a vehicle parked on the other side of road. I could see an SUV approaching the parked vehicle as...
Baby and bathwater – The Daily PPILL #199

Baby and bathwater – The Daily PPILL #199

We don’t want to throw away the baby with the bathwater. Get rid of the soiled, unwanted; keep the precious. This is why most entrepreneurs talk about “the pivot” and not a leap. A leap means lunging into the void, leaving everything behind, with all...
Skeuomorphic – The Daily PPILL #194

Skeuomorphic – The Daily PPILL #194

You know that thing that looks like the old version of it? The “radio” app on your smartphone that looks like an old timer radio, with dial and all? Or the eBook reader that turns pages and has a spine and you can see the edges of all the pages? The...
Turning into a Soviet – The Daily PPILL #189

Turning into a Soviet – The Daily PPILL #189

Every single one of us is running their own Agitprop. That’s the name used for the soviet Ministry of Agitation and Propaganda. It was an entity tasked with creating the official version of the facts, and drown out every other version. In that effort, they would...
Code injection happens to humans too – The Daily PPILL #179

Code injection happens to humans too – The Daily PPILL #179

It used to be, that all of us would watch the same show, the same sitcom on a Thursday night. The Internet, and the disaggregation of content brought to us the wonderful world of infinite possibilities. Now we can watch, or listen, or read, whatever we want, when we...