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Drummers and platforms – The Daily PPILL #354

Drummers and platforms – The Daily PPILL #354

What’s the purpose of platforms? With so much talk these days around the responsibility of Social Media companies in what their members say or do not say, it is worth looking at what is meant with platforms and what’s their reason for existing. I used to...
The masculinity of gardening – The Daily PPILL #353

The masculinity of gardening – The Daily PPILL #353

Are we still in the celebrity CEO era? I think we are. I believe I heard someone calling its end, but the market never got the message. We continue to laud -sometimes even worship- the energetic visionary, and even despotic fearless leader in front of some of the...
Encryption and truth – The Daily PPILL #352

Encryption and truth – The Daily PPILL #352

The simplest way to understand encryption, is to think of a decoder wheel. One character becomes another, so the output on the other side of the function becomes garbled and cannot be read, unless we have our own wheel. Modern encryption though, is some more complex...
Absolute and relative – The Daily PPILL #351

Absolute and relative – The Daily PPILL #351

What matters? Is it the actual number? Or is it compared to something? As many times, the answer is, “depends”. When we are trying to determine if we reached a goal, if we “made it”, we have to go with the absolute number. “Black or...
Forethought – The Daily PPILL #350

Forethought – The Daily PPILL #350

To make a house livable, you first have to have a house. We all know that. But if there is enough forethought, those designing the house’s frame, can do so to make it much more livable. The doors, the window frames, the orientation, and a long list of etceteras...
Everything is a subroutine – The Daily PPILL #349

Everything is a subroutine – The Daily PPILL #349

We live in the age of the API. Most solutions have an open API (Application Programming Interface – Just in case you don’t remember what it stands for), to communicate with them. APIs allow software to communicate among each other, making it possible for...