When I decided to pause The Daily PPILL sometime in Summer, I was hoping to restart it gently once Fall would hit us. It happens to be that restarting something can be almost as hard as getting it going in the first place. We have all kinds of questions in our heads....
Summer comes to an end. Long days and the open windows will be gone. But the one thing that we know about summer, is that once it ends, and we go through the gray days of winter, eventually, there will be another summer. Most of life is cyclic. Waiting is an...
Consulting is an interesting role. We go about our lives being somewhat experts at what we do, and we think that we have all the answers. That’s why most of us think that doing the same thing as a consultant will be a piece of cake. Having been on both sides of...
In hindsight, successful startups always have great teams, however, the recruitment process rarely has to do with résumés. Sure, skills are important, but more important is to share a strong vision. A vision that prospective team members can get inspired by and join...
The topic that is occupying my mind lately, is the nature of exponentials and how they play into business. I am working on some long form content, which makes it hard to publish my regular Daily PPILL while I also take care of business. But I thought, why not dig up...
Finding one’s purpose is easy for some. They know already who they want to be, and what they want to do. It hasn’t always been so easy for me. I am a fast learner, because of that, I tend to do reasonably well in many things, and since I like variety,...