Have you ever been cornered in?
I have. My gut reaction has always been frustration and strong urge to get out of that position. Sometimes, I have succeeded in holding back, but other times, it has been quite self-destructive.
When negotiating for something, recognize that your opponent is as human as you. They don’t necessarily follow the same moral compass, but they have emotions just like you.
Building negotiation leverage, “having the upper hand” is the best strategy to win, once your opponent recognizes that things are leaning your way, they generally concede. But If you corner someone in, if you you leave no space for maneuver, it can be paralyzing and you may not resolve the conflict.
Always leave a way out, pave it in a way that is favorable to you, but make it their decision, and allow your opponent to get out with dignity. You will stand an even better chance to get what you want.