What’s the purpose of platforms? With so much talk these days around the responsibility of Social Media companies in what their members say or do not say, it is worth looking at what is meant with platforms and what’s their reason for existing.
I used to play the drums, quite a lot. And drummers know a few things about platforms. They give us the opportunity to stand out among the rest of the band, and we can also see them at eye level. The audience can also see you better. And if you are playing with no mics, the kit will also project better. How well you play, well, that’s the drummer’s fault.
Same thing happens with online platforms. They are a great equalizer, and they also allow you to reach a bigger audience, more clearly. And just like at the club, whatever you say or do on the platform, is your fault, not the platform’s.
That’s the general stance on these web properties. I can tell you, if someone “de-platforms” you at the club, it is usually as, or more painful like being thrown out of Twitter.