Should you partner? Go direct? This is an article that I wrote many years ago, and a lot of things changed since then. These hold true however. 1.- Failing to choose the right model from the start It seems simple, but it can really make a difference. The right...
From time to time I revisit some seminal business books. This is the case of the E-Myth, which every small business owner and entrepreneur should at least know what is about. Through a number of anecdotes, the author makes his case for building businesses with a...
Here is a thought: In every pond today, it is no longer the big fish that eats the small fish. Size doesn’t matter that much anymore, the field has shifted. In fact, it is more likely that the fast fish will eat the slow one, regardless of size. Does that make...
If you are involved with the Tech industry in any way, you are probably familiar with the “Technology Hypecycle”. It’s first cousin is the “adoption curve”, and it looks somewhat like this, with its very creative phase names: SOURCE:...
I feel like we are steadily moving towards complete electrification of our transportation system. I know, it is not happening overnight, but according to several articles even though only 1% of vehicles in the USA are electric, and that you may be one in the 46% of...
I know what you’re thinking: “Great. Just what we needed. Another article about fantastic technologies.” I promise this one is *slightly* different and is targeted not at my techno-bro friends, but more for all the capable business people on this...