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The one thing you should do today – The Daily PPILL #205

The one thing you should do today – The Daily PPILL #205

Before you do anything else, ask yourself: “What is the one thing that I can (and must) do today to get me closer to my goals?” If you do nothing else, do that one thing. It will be worth more, and you’ll feel more satisfied than after a full day of...
Ciclo LAER: El ERROR DE CAPA 8 es ahora también nuestro problema

Ciclo LAER: El ERROR DE CAPA 8 es ahora también nuestro problema

En un mundo donde cada vez más los servicios están substituyendo a los productos, es importante entender el rol que juega la atención al cliente y cómo esta puede afectar el ritmo de atrición de los usuarios. En el universo XaaS, donde cualquier cosa se ofrece en una...
The Therapist’s Hour – The Daily PPILL #142

The Therapist’s Hour – The Daily PPILL #142

After about a year of being on Zoom calls, we discovered something that therapists have known for a while. Therapists charge by the hour, and they try to book as many sessions as possible. So they end up back-to-back. But sessions need to be wrapped up, notes...
Common enemies – The Daily PPILL #140

Common enemies – The Daily PPILL #140

We heard it: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This is certainly true in politics, where the most unexpected crowds can be made to come together to fight a (many times made up!) common enemy. But can this be seen in other areas of life? In business, for example,...
Daily Habits – The Daily PPILL #132

Daily Habits – The Daily PPILL #132

Sometimes, committing to do something daily, looks a lot more difficult than perhaps a few days a week. That may be true, but actually following through may be the problem. I’ll say it here. I am not really good at going to the gym. Part of it, is that I am...