Ah! My fixation with the proper way to load a dishwasher…
I know. Bear with me a bit.
At home, I insist that all silverware loaded into the dishwasher is classified at the moment when is placed into the machine. My reasoning is that, at that time, each and every item of silverware is placed individually. Because of this, it does not take extra effort to sort them at that moment, just have to pick the right basket.
Conversely, when the dishwasher is emptied, it is done all at once. It is much easier to grab -for example- all the forks and put them in the right division in the drawer, than taking out all the contents of one basket, and now having to sort them at this point. The first process doesn’t require additional work, the second one does.
This same logic is applied to customer-sorted recyclables. We are not going to argue here whether if under the current circumstances it makes sense to recycle or not, but what’s for sure is that -given enough bins- it is not that difficult to sort each item right away as we are throwing them away.
If you have a chance, group like-tasks. One count less on the scoreboard of the drudgery of life.