No, this is not about some startup working on the next iteration of “smellorama”, but it is about something that could stink as well. We go about our lives participating in the digital marketplace, interact with businesses and other individuals. We...
When investing, there is a meme that describes market behavior in terms of the different mindset of people who engage in a particular asset. The first wave is -suitingly- the early adopters. These people usually know something. They are either an insider to the...
Every time you deliver a presentation, a pitch, it gets better. You gather feedback, and you test ideas. There is this saying in Spanish, “he who teaches, learns twice”. Every time, you have to explain something, you develop the concept and improve on it....
Making a movie recommendation on a Monday is almost like talking about cocktails at 10 AM, but here I am, doing what I am not supposed to. If you haven’t seen “A million miles away” on Amazon Prime Video, it is a deeply inspirational movie, with a...
When you are putting yourself in front of others and explaining what you do, there are five questions you should be prepared to answer. Whether you are selling your services, some specific product, or you are pitching your business idea, the objective is to to engage...
When I decided to pause The Daily PPILL sometime in Summer, I was hoping to restart it gently once Fall would hit us. It happens to be that restarting something can be almost as hard as getting it going in the first place. We have all kinds of questions in our heads....
Summer comes to an end. Long days and the open windows will be gone. But the one thing that we know about summer, is that once it ends, and we go through the gray days of winter, eventually, there will be another summer. Most of life is cyclic. Waiting is an...
The first Daily PPILL was published more than 18 months ago. It has been an incredible ride creating the habit of creating daily, and counting with your patronage. I seldom hear from any of you, but every once in a while someone reminds me that there are readers out...
If we don’t have the will, we’ll never get things done. We may never even get started. Hannibal (not the fictional serial killer of “Silence of the Lambs”, but the Carthaginian general), has been recognized as one of the greatest military strategists of all times....
Consulting is an interesting role. We go about our lives being somewhat experts at what we do, and we think that we have all the answers. That’s why most of us think that doing the same thing as a consultant will be a piece of cake. Having been on both sides of...
In hindsight, successful startups always have great teams, however, the recruitment process rarely has to do with résumés. Sure, skills are important, but more important is to share a strong vision. A vision that prospective team members can get inspired by and join...
Hungarians, are the descendants from the Huns. “Barbarians”, they called them. So what could be more fitting than this thing showing up in one of the drawers in my Hungarian cousin’s kitchen? A hatchet, just like AI, can be either a tool in the right...
The topic that is occupying my mind lately, is the nature of exponentials and how they play into business. I am working on some long form content, which makes it hard to publish my regular Daily PPILL while I also take care of business. But I thought, why not dig up...
The topic that is occupying my mind lately, is the nature of exponentials and how they play into business. I am working on some long form content, which makes it hard to publish my regular Daily PPILL while I also take care of business. But I thought, why not dig up...
The topic that is occupying my mind lately, is the nature of exponentials and how they play into business. I am working on some long form content, which makes it hard to publish my regular Daily PPILL while I also take care of business. But I thought, why not dig up...
The topic that is occupying my mind lately, is the nature of exponentials and how they play into business. I am working on some long form content, which makes it hard to publish my regular Daily PPILL while I also take care of business. But I thought, why not dig up...
The topic that is occupying my mind lately, is the nature of exponentials and how they play into business. I am working on some long form content, which makes it hard to publish my regular Daily PPILL while I also take care of business. But I thought, why not dig up...
As long as there has been organized work, there has been supervisors. The often hated individuals who often make sure that the work is done under spec, and on-time. The ones that are “responsible” for production, for hitting the quota, for making the...
In a world where technology is constantly advancing, simple yet ingenious inventions can capture our attention. The humble flywheel, often overlooked, these rotating wonders possess an appeal that inspires me, especially now that I am more and more involved with the...
I bet you heard that before. I would even bet that you have uttered it sometime. It speaks to human nature to our energy and interest to figure out things, even if we are not perfect memory machines that can recall any piece of information at will. But how about if I...
Finding one’s purpose is easy for some. They know already who they want to be, and what they want to do. It hasn’t always been so easy for me. I am a fast learner, because of that, I tend to do reasonably well in many things, and since I like variety,...
Doing a good job gets you the next one, and just like that, the purpose of every meeting should be at least to get the next one. The therapist always books the next session right away and we always talk about the next one at the end of a date. Every meeting with a...
If you have anything to do with technology, you are most likely familiar with the “hypecycle” and how technologies, when being introduced at first are not taken into account, but as they start to get traction, and people get excited, they are usually...
Most stuff we use wear out as we do. Every single time we do our thing, we leave a little bit of it in what we made. The soles of our shoes wear thinner, the edge of our knife gets dull. But some things get better every time we use them. I rode with an Uber driver the...
I’ll start today with an anecdote. When I went to college for my undergraduate in Electronics Engineering, few of us had cars, especially because in the town I went to school, most people were admitted to college before they hit the legal age for driving. Buses...